Policy & Guidelines
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IRA Policy & Guidelines
Instructionally related activities include, but are not limited to, the categories listed below. Inclusion of a particular activity on this list or in California Education Code 89230 does not require a campus to fund that activity.
Intercollegiate Athletics
Costs that are necessary for a basic competitive program including equipment and supplies and scheduled travel, not provided by the state. Athletic grants should not be included.
Radio, Television and Film
Costs related to the provisions of basic “hands-on” experience not provided by the state. Purchase or rental of films as instructional aids shall not be included.
Music and Dance Performances
Costs to provide experience in individual and group performance, including recitals, before audiences and in settings sufficiently varied to familiarize students with the performance facet of the field.
Theatre and Musical Productions
Basic support of theatrical and operatic activities sufficient to permit experience not only in actual performance, but in production, direction, set design, and other elements considered a part of professional training in these fields.
Art Exhibits
Support for student art shows given in connection with degree programs.
The costs to support and operate basic publication programs including a periodic newspaper and other laboratory experience basic to journalism and literary training. Additional publications designed primarily to inform or entertain shall not be included.
Activities designed to provide experience in debate, public speaking, and related programs, including travel required for a competitive debate program.
Other Activities
Activities associated with other instructional areas that are consistent with purposes included in the above may be added as they are identified.
IRA funds should not be used for the following:
- Payroll expenses for DH faculty & staff
- Physical equipment
- Capital projects
- Student financial aid
- Any activities that do not have a clear connection to the mission of the university
- Any activities that are not course related
Note that Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) funds are considered state funds; hence, all expenses incurred should adhere to state campus policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of the IRA recipient to adhere to such policies, including, but not limited to: purchasing, hospitality, and travel. Funding for attendance at conferences should include competition events and/or other activities where students participate directly.
- IRA funds should be spent prior to the end of the fiscal year (June 30th) of the year in which the IRA award was awarded.
- Ensure all invoices/direct payments are submitted to Accounting by the end of May to ensure enough time to post by the close of the fiscal year (June 30th).
- Student assistants should only work through the month of May since June student assistant payroll hours post to the following fiscal year.
It is the responsibility of the IRA award recipient to submit an annual report summarizing the program’s design, outcomes achieved, and its use of funds. The annual report should be submitted by August in order to be considered for future IRA award funding.